Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Ails Indian Hockey?

Indian hockey is in turmoil. The recent fracas between Hockey India and the players' has added salt to the wounds. The dis-trust that exists in the fraternity has exposed the chinks in the armour. The eagerly awaited elections have been relegated to the backburner.
All these developments are certain to tarnish the already low image that India enjoys. It will also affect the country's prospects in the forthcoming World Cup. Not ironically, India is hosting the premier event after 28 long years! The added agony is New Delhi will play host to the coveted Commonwealth Games.
However, at this point in time the game's administrators would do well to let bygones be bygones and provide infratsructure the players want if there has to be a semblance of respectability on D-Day.
The fact that the Union Sports Ministry has washed its hand off the affairs of Hockey India shows that even the Union Government wants cricket to be the National Game. So much for patriotism. Dhyan Chand must be thanking his stars that he is not around in the prevailing days of dubious distinctions. May his soul rest in peace.